Dr. K. Subrahmanyam
Dr. K. Subrahmanyam (Adviser)
The best teacher is always the best student. The only sure listener is the speaker himself/ herself. The best instructor of Yoga is the constant practitioner of yoga.
Yoga is the treasure house of health, wealth, strength and wisdom of mankind. Blessed are Indians to have inherited it from the great masters of yoga from times immemorial. Yoga is the sure panacea to all the ills and evils, both at the individual level and global level. There is nothing impossible for yoga to achieve. Yoga is available for practice and perfection at physical, emotional intellectual, moral, ethical, social, national, global and spiritual levels.
Yogas are chiefly four, culminating in the Prapatti yoga or Self surrender (Ishwara Pranidhana). The four streams of Yoga are: Raja Yoga (of will power), Jnana Yoga (of knowledge and intelligence), Bhakti Yoga (of noble love and emotions), and Karma Yoga (of welfare activities and service).
All these Yogas are meant to make man a better man. By practicing yoga, everybody becomes ennobled and elevated. It is through the practice of yoga that the Self blossoms and shines. Spiritual illumination, social uplift, ethical excellence, moral uprightness and health at all levels are surely available for practitioners of yoga.
All the ailments which are not communicable are due to psychic imbalance and psychic weakness. This sickness at the psychic level is Adhi, which later percolates into the body as Vyadhi (sickness). By the practice of Yoga, one can easily prevent Adhi, thereby Vyadhi as well. Yoga not only prevents sickness but promotes positive health. It is yoga that keeps us peaceful and makes us useful. Let us be peacefully useful and usefully peaceful through yoga.