Yoga & Management Studies

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Division of Yoga & Management Studies


To promote Holistic Approach of Management for individual, institutional and social prosperity and harmony


To blend management principles as propounded in Indian Scriptures with modern management systems through research education and training


  • To develop human resource well grounded in “Holistic management System” based on personal, social and universal well being
  • To develop leaders of tomorrow who can create wealthy organizations and healthy society through innovative, inclusive and outcome based learning principles
  • To create a network of empowered individuals and institutions to herald a new paradigm in management

Salient Features:

  • Holistic System of Management (HOLSYM) is evolved in division by combining best of the Western Science and Technology with best of Eastern Philosophy.
  • Corporate training programmes provide adequate exposure to Business world
  • Teaching methodologies are learner centric and emphasizes on all round total personality development which is periodically measured and reported using scientific methods for each student
  • We organise all academic and extra – curriculum activity for developing managerial skills of 21stcentury
  • Innovative teaching and learning methods like case studies, desk research, group discussions etc
  • Indian Ethos of management practiced from ancient wisdom base of Indian scripture s for Self growth
  • Unique students from our division are true change agents for organisational development and contributors to development of society

Dr. Makam Sridhar

Professor at Canara Bank School of Management Studies (CBSMS) (Post Graduate Department of Management) Bangalore University, Central College Campus, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Beedhi, Bangalore. and Member-Secretary, Karnataka State Innovation Council (Government of Karnataka) On deputation to Karnataka Jnana Aayoga (Karnataka Knowledge Commission) Government of Karnataka, As Member-Secretary & Executive Director at Room no 219, II Floor, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore.

Experience Highlights

  • From December, 2008 till date, working as Member-Secretary & Executive Director of Karnataka Knowledge Commission (Government of Karnataka) on deputation. The work profile includes visioning for building knowledge society, networking with experts, interface with Government departments, piloting certain innovative ideas, facilitation in policy making and advocacy.

  • From the Year 1999 till 2008, worked at Canara Bank School of Management Studies (Post Graduate Department of Management) Bangalore University, Bangalore as ‘Reader’ and ‘Professor’. Courses handled at MBA are Communication Skills, Managerial Communication, Marketing Management, Marketing of Services, Compensation Management, Business Negotiations, Training & Development and Business Ethics and Values.

  • From the Year 1979 to 1999, worked full time at Vijaya College, Bangalore. Joined as ‘Lecturer’ and promoted to the post of ‘Senior Lecturer’. The specialization subjects that I was handling were Income Tax, Banking and Marketing.

Research Experience

  • Member of the research team on ‘Developing Grassroots leadership in School Education Department of Karnataka‘ as part of ‘Indian Management Research Award, 2009 jointly given by Emerald group of publications, UK and All India Management Association.

  • Member of the research team on “Internationalization of Small and Medium enterprises- Study of critical factors” funded by Korea Institute of Science and Technology.

  • From April, 2004 to February, 2007, I was the Principal Investigator for the research project, “Study of Interaction between Technical Institutions and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Science and Technology Sector”. This has been sponsored by the NSTMIS Division of Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.

  • From January, 2006 to June, 2006, I was the principal investigator of two consultancy research projects “Exploration of strategy to convert personalized mode travelers into BMTC commuters in the city of Bangalore” and “Study of travel pattern and needs of BMTC commuters at Subhashnagar bus stand”. These were sponsored by Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) as consultancy studies for formulating their strategies for future.

  • From June, 2004 to May, 2005, I was the project coordinator of a research project “Human resources in call centre industry–An exploration of potential and challenges” sponsored by National Association of Service and Software Companies (NASSCOM) and undertaken jointly by Canara Bank School of Management Studies, Department of Psychology, Bangalore University and National Institute for Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS).

Training Undertaken

  • Course coordinator for two training programmes for employees of LRDE during 3rd to 8th of March,08 and 24th to 29th March, 08 at Administrative Training Institute, Mysore

  • Project Leader and Course Coordinator of 147 days of Management Development Programme in a residential mode conducted for 123 select officers of Department of Public Instruction, Govt. of Karnataka during February and August, 2007. This was organized by Policy Planning Unit and Ajim Premji Foundation and was funded by World Bank under IDF grants. This assignment included identification of training needs, selection of participants, and design of content, building a resource team, delivery, guidance of 400 projects, module development, test delivery, pilot delivery and certification of participants.

Educational Objectives:

Learning process involves following major cognitive domains. In order to make students learn the subject the characteristics of skill at that level must be observed.

Cognitive Domains to be considered for learning are as:

Cognitive Skill: Characteristics of the skill – Students ability

Knowledge: Label, list, match, recall, select, state, underline

Comprehension: Describe, explain, interpret, summarize, paraphrase

Application: Complete, organize, solve, calculate, compute, use

Analysis: Categorize, classify, compare and contrast, recognise patterns and relationships

Synthesis: Compose, create, formulate, hypothesize, write

Evaluation: Judge based on criteria, support, conclude

In division of Yoga and Management, Learning environment is created and learning starts the moment student enter the classrooms. Classrooms have multiple display boards, charts and images to aid visual learning. Open and informal environment within classrooms serves for better pedagogy.

Silence and peaceful Campus helps them go deep within themselves and search for the meaning in everything they learn. Student development activities are organised for all programmes including UG, PG and PhD.

It is because of such unique yoga way of life in tune with the nature in Prashanti Kutiram that true growth and ‘Life-Learning’ happens.

Following are the guidelines along with the learning and teaching techniques provided for Teachers in Division of Yoga and Management to enhance the learning of students.

Case Study Method:

A case study is narrative or description of an event or facts written with a view to arise a problem solving case. It has high level of structured way and high level of feedback as well.

  1. When students are presented with a case, they place themselves in the role of the decision maker
  2. As they read through the situation and identify the problem they are faced with, they are searching for solutions
  3. The next step is to perform the necessary analysis- examining the causes and considering alternative courses of actions to come to a set of recommendations
  4. SWOT analysis of the situation is first step towards the analysis of alternative solutions available
  5. To get the most out of cases, students read and reflect on the case, and then meet in learning teams before class
  6. In class, they study the case under the questioning and guidance of the professor
  7. Students are evaluated through level and depth of their discussion

Extension Activities

  • Corporate Training Programmes – SMET
  • Corporate Spiritual Responsibility (CSpR)
  • Event Management
  • Cultural Activities
  • Conferences and Seminars
  • Social Awareness Programmes

Future plans


  • Short Term Courses

  • Long Term Courses

  • Certificate Courses

  • Online Education

  • Skill Development Programmes


  1. Management Consultancy

  2. Corporate Mentoring Programmes

  3. Joint Venture Project Works

  4. Management Journal on Yoga

  5. Establishing Yoga Centers in Corporate

  6. Students Development Programmes


  • Dr. Makam Sridhar


  • Dr. Sony Kumari, MA, PhD

Assistant Professor

  • Mrs. Thejeshwini G,

Senior Visiting Fellows

  • Dr. Mahendra Raju, Commissioner (Retd.)
  • Dr. B Mahadevan, Professor
  • Dr. Swarup Mohanty, Professor
  • Dr. Chokkalingam, Assistant Professor

Adjunct Faculty

  • Sri B Arunachalam, Joint Registrar, Gandhi Gram Rural Institute – Deemed University
Program /Courses name Name of the Coordinator Email ID
MSc in yoga lifestyle and stress management (YLSM) Mrs. Gangotri Panda

5 Skill oriented courses are offered by the Division

  1. Managerial Communications Skills

  2. Information Technology Skills

  3. Self Management of Excessive Tension

  4. Decision Making Skills

  5. Leadership Skills

Download Syllabus for Skill oriented Courses – Yoga and Management Studies

MBA Specialisation

  • Health Care Management
  • Marketing
  • Finance
  • Human Resource Management
Eligibility: 10+2/PUC, UG with 50 % marks Duration: 2 year full time course Maximum Credits: 100

Doctoral Program:

  • PhD (Yoga)

  • The University will permit the registration for Ph.D. in the following Divisions, namely,

    • Division of Yoga and Spirituality

    • Division of Yoga and Humanities

    • Division of Yoga and Physical Sciences

    • Division of Yoga and Life Sciences

    • Division of Yoga and Management

Inter-Disciplinary Subject Areas:

A candidate is allowed to pursue Ph.D. program in a subject area of inter-disciplinary nature subject to the approval from Research Advisory Committee.

  1. The credit for Ph.D. course work shall be a minimum of 08 credits and a maximum of 16 credits.

  2. The course work shall comprise of one course on Research Methodology and other courses shall be advanced level courses, duly approved by the Academic Council, preparing the students for Ph.D. degree as recommended by the Research Advisory Committee.

  3. The Division where the scholar pursues his/her research shall prescribe the course(s) to him/her based on the recommendations of the Research Advisory Committee.

  4. All candidates admitted to the Ph.D. programme shall be required to complete the course work prescribed by the Division within one year from the date of registration.

  5. Grades in the course work, including research methodology courses shall be finalized after a combined assessment by the Research Advisory Committee and the Division and the final grades shall be communicated to the candidate.

  6. A Ph.D. scholar has to obtain a minimum of 55% of marks in the course work in order to be eligible to continue in the programme and submit the dissertation/thesis.

  7. A Ph.D. scholar shall complete the entire coursework within two years from the date of registration or a maximum of four consecutive coursework examinations conducted by the University from the date of registration.

  8. Candidates failing to fulfill the above requirements are liable to get their registration automatically cancelled and no further extension/coursework examinations will be permissible for completing the coursework. Such candidates are free to apply for registration for Ph.D. afresh.

Progress Monitoring:

  1. A research scholar shall appear before the Research Advisory Committee once in six months to make a presentation of the progress of his/her work for evaluation and further guidance. The six monthly progress reports shall be submitted by the Research Advisory Committee to the university with a copy to the research supervisor.

  2. In case the progress of the research scholar is unsatisfactory, the Research Advisory Committee shall record the reasons for the same and suggest corrective measures. If the research scholar fails to implement these corrective measures, the Research Advisory Committee may recommend to the University, with specific reasons, for cancellation of the registration of the research scholar.

  3. If the Ph.D. research scholar fails to submit the two consecutive progress reports or abstains from presentation of progress report, the RAC may recommend for cancellation of the registration of the research scholar.

  4. If the research scholar fails to complete the entire Ph. D. work up to submission of thesis within the stipulated period, the registration of the research scholar shall be cancelled as per the regulations.

  5. Evaluation and Assessment Methods

Course work:

  1. The setting of question paper and evaluation shall be carried out by two examiners, selected from an approved panel of examiners, possessing Ph D degree in the relevant field, appointed by the Controller of Examinations.

  2. If the difference between the marks awarded by the two examiners is less than or equal to 14%, the marks awarded to the candidate shall be the average of the two valuations.

  3. If the difference between the marks awarded by the two examiners is greater than or equal to 15%, a third examiner shall evaluate the concerned answer script(s). The average of the marks of the nearest two valuations shall be considered as the marks secured by the candidate. However, if one of the three evaluations lays exactly midway between the other two, then the higher two marks shall be taken for averaging.

  4. The candidate shall score minimum passing marks of 50% in each subject.