VC’s Voice
Absolute freedom comes to one whose Self yearns for realization, and whose mind has turned away from evil and has learnt to subdue itself and is at peace with the world.
We go for everything which is eco-friendly including Yoga, Yaga, spiritual practices, mode of meditations, art and craft, agriculture etc.
In this modern age, Yoga is now in new incarnation. Once upon a time Yoga was for Himalayan Masters. If you go to Satya-Yuga every person was Yogi in the chosen domain of life. For a sage of Rigveda, farming was a very good practice of Yoga totally cemented with one’s life system. A former of Vedic age was so much one with KRISHI YOGA. So he could overcome all types of mental imbalances causing unhealthy practices and habits. For this age of science and technology we are in need of Atma Yoga which helps us to overcome both overjoy and over pathos. So called modern mind is so much vulnerable attacks from drink and dance culture which some people prefer to join as a part of merry making or holiday parties which causing all types of mental upheavals among young boys and girls.
On another side, we have poverty-stricken people and downtrodden, addiction-ridden mass, which is very easy target for NCDs (Non Communicable Diseases) and psychosomatic illnesses. An objective analysis of the situation shows that Yoga is helping majority of people all over the world. Taking this as a motivating factor over University is marching ahead in spreading the message of Yoga covering the nook and corner of world through global network. We are happy to involve all the members of Yoga family to join their hands in this venture to make the world free from diseases at individual level and to make the whole BRAHMANDA free from three ‘TIONs’; Contamination, Pollution and Radiation, by motivating more young people to adopt nature friendly and people friendly life system which is duly projected by many national campaigns such as SWACCHATA, BETI BACHAO, JANDHAN, PHASAL, ATAL PENSION Yojana etc.